Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Summer Reading Question

In response to the post about summer reading, I'm interested in what people think of that as well. I'm assuming that students using this blog are readers, so I'd appreciate hearing from you on the subject. Thanks.


Amber M said...

Summer reading isn't terrible--it's just some of the assignments are pretty overwhelming! I mean, summer IS supposed to be a break from school (to an extent), and as a reader, I'd much rather spend this free time reading new novels that aren't school-related for my own enjoyment. Having all these extra assignments to go with the book makes it tedious and boring, in my opinion...If i was just assigned to read the book and do a little bit extra with it, I'd probably like what I had to do. But with everything that's given, I can't stand it! I'd rather sit down with something new and interesting I found in Barnes and Noble that I don't have to write a million things about.

librarygoddess50 said...

Amber, I like your take on the whole summer assignment issue! I agree that it is not the reading of the books that causes people to freak out, it is some of the assigned work that causes stress and angst! I think a long, labor intensive assignment can kill the love of reading--and make you folks absolutely hate to read for information and to expand your mind and knowledge base. I think you should be assigned a reasonable number of challenging books, but, for the love of all things great and small, the assignment needs to be short, and meaningful! The Library Goddess finds peace, solitude, and serenity in summer--I value every moment. I read for pleasure and enjoyment, I work on my hobbies (knitting, sunbathing, looking for Indian artifacts), and last summer I learned to make a quilt and to sew. I think everyone needs to keep in mind that you students can learn things in the summer in addition to school-related work that makes you become more interesting individuals. You will have no time to do learn new things, work and make a little extra money, travel, or spend time with your family if you are working on a laborious assignment! Moderation is the key to all things--that being said, if any of my readers still have not read the summer assignments due next semester, just go ahead and do it!! Open your mind, and learn something. Become a teacher, change the world, and have lovely, reasonable summer assignments for your students! (P.S.) Once you are an adult, even in most colleges, you won't have summer reading assignments--you can read for fun things on the beach!

Amber M said...

Oh, good! Looking forward to being an adult! I mean, i know a lot of people that HAVE to have jobs--there's no option! Me, i used to have to have a job, but then i started signing up for writing camps and enrichment activities and things like that...So it's no big deal. I did all my AP Engish work this summer, but didn't get to do all my AP History, so I came dangerously close to failing that whole 9 weeks...

Ethel said...

Just wanted to add that some of the Summer Reading Title for some classes gave you a choice of what to read. I think we all like the power of choice.