Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Ok. Now I'm on the correct blog. I just finished Margaret Maron's new one--Winter's Child and it was great, as ususal. Actually, it was very cool. I'm trying to plow through one of her Sigrid Harrald books, but I'm not finding it riveting. I'm on p. 380 of Dickens' David Copperfield, very good but long, long, long. I thought when I started the Maron book that we'd find Deborah pregnant, but not so. It's set only one month after her wedding. I did not care for The Time Traveler's Wife by the way. Too, too contrived. Once you've had Jamie and Claire this thing was a veritable rag, as it were. It kind of reminded me of the sickeningly contrived characters of a Nicholas Sparks novel, only one of which I've actually read since it made me barf. My friend and neighbor just insisted that I read it--yuck. Let's see, what else is good. I read Box Socials by W.P. Kinsella, a treat. I love his Shoeless Joe years ago. He has terrific style. For you mystery fans, Dick Francis has a new one featuring Sid Halley and it's terrific. Also read the new Robert Parker and I found a copy of the very first Spenser book by Parker, The Godwulf Manuscript. Both were very fine. Love that Spenser. That was my Thanksgiving mind candy reading. I haven't done much of substance except for the Dickens, of course. Looking forward to more postings.


librarygoddess50 said...

Jeanne, you are amazing? How do you find so much reading time!? Anyway, I didn't like the Time Traveller's Wife very much either--I guess I was expecting Jamie and Claire, and you are right, after time travel with those two, anything else is just not going to measure up! Your post reminded me that I must get back to Margaret Maron--I finished Storm Track, so am due for whatever is next. That would be good mind candy for the break. Also, I am reading You: on a Diet, and Jackie and I have been implementing some of his ideas. It is cool and very readable. Bravo on Dickens--I am not worthy!

Danielle G said...

I totally agree on the whole time Travelers Wife thing.

Ethel said...

I also did not like the Time Traveler's Wife. The fact that he kept meeting himself, was odd. And what was up with Henry going to meet Clair when he was 35 or 40 and she was 13?

librarygoddess50 said...

Media girl, I agree! That's what I like about the Diana Gabaldon books, that and everything else about them, that the character's don't ever meet themselves in time. That confused me--and didn't make enough sense to be remotely believable. Gabaldon makes the Outlander books so believable, you actually think of looking for a stone like that in Scotland. I actually do have a picture of myself standing beside a huge stone in Scotland, just waiting to fall through time! Obviously, I picked the wrong stone!