Saturday, December 30, 2006

New book post!

Hey, gang--I am enjoying posting on my new computer! I broke down yesterday and got a computer with a mondo huge screen--for my aging library goddess eyes! I just found the new book post I forgot to actually publish--it looks pretty good, but it posted it pretty far down the blog. I am going to edit it again, to see if it will pull it up in order, but if not, be sure to pull down the page, and check out our new stuff! I learned how to add pictures, and am having a fun time with that! I am reading On Agate Hill--I am halfway through, I love it, but I've misplaced it. So I am spending the day cleaning, not knitting or reading, and it is bumming me out. Maybe I'll find my book!

1 comment:

Coco said...

Congrats on the new comp, get very good anti-virius programs for it. I learned that the hard way -.-;;