Tuesday, January 2, 2007

cool books

Although I've known about him for a while, I've just sort of discovered Neil Gaiman. He's terrific! I'm reading Good Omens and what a hoot. It's kind of a cross between Hitchhiker's Guide, Monty Python, and Harry Potter, if you can imagine that. I've bought two more and will keep you up to date.

Over break I also read Captain Saturday by Robert Inman, a NC author. It was pretty funny, kind of like Clyde Edgerton a bit. Good old Southern comedy and personal questing.

I also started Orson Scott Card's Empire and am looking forward to finishing that. I'll let you know what happens when the President, VP, Chief of Staff and all of the other important DC folks are wiped out in a terrorist plot--that's where I am so far!

Happy reading!


librarygoddess50 said...

You are reading maniac! Sounds like you are on a science fiction quest, with the exception of the Robert Inman book. I may have to try and pick that one up.

Ethel said...

We also have a CD in the Library with 2 of Gaiman short stories. "A Snow Glass Apple & A Murder Mystery". Each story is about an hour long, I think. I really like "A Snow Glass Apple"