Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ender's Game dialog

Hi all. Here's the official starter for the Ender's Game discussion thread. Enjoy the book! A soon as I reread it, I'll start posting intellectual things. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you.


SharkHunterDiver said...

i've read 2 chapters. i will not be in school 2morrow or monday, i am checking out some colleges. let me know what i miss.

Unknown said...

Umm i have read the first few chapters also and i am thinking thats this might be a book with a few twists and action scenes in it and the part where he goes nuts and like murderlizes the bully is awsome...power to the bullied

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to have to say that I've read the first chapter and I am not interested yet, But I will continue to read. See whats up. But so far It's not up to my standerd of liking.

Krysta M. said...

Okay, I read to page 153, and so far I'm enjoying it. I'll be reading the book, and start to think about all the stuff Ender, and his siblings do, and I'm pretty impressed. But then I rememeber that Ender was only 7 years old. I just can't believe all the stuff those kids do at such an early age.

SharkHunterDiver said...

im like halfway through it. read from chapter 2-there all 2day. i love the book so far. didnt have high hopes at 1st, but it has really gotten good.

Jeanne M said...

This is great. I am rereading the book and am overwhelmed at the number of "games" Card is talking about: mind games, power games, real games, video games, games of life. Chew on that a while and let me know what you think.

SharkHunterDiver said...

hmmm , i sense a lot of underlying meanings in this book

Paul said...

This was a wonderful story. I never accepted the premise of the characters being so young but in my mind I imagine them being early teens. I don't think that impacts the story, its just the way it played out in my head.

Jeanne M said...

I think that Ender's age does two things: it helps us empathize with his situation--a little kid in strange surroundins--and it helps create the sense of urgency that the society feels. They are so desparate that they'll draft 6 year olds! Yikes! Times must be really tough.

I think that kids make the whole game playing thing more relevant. I also kind of picture them a little older, but I guess it's because they're so smart and advanced for their ages.

Jocelyn's name said...

The book was really boring at first but now it is picking up. But I think make ender seem older than he his

Shiro said...

This book kinda forshadowed whats happening now. The game Americas Army was created to train and get kids excited about joing through the army. It goes through every single trainig drill in the army and when you actually get to start battles you get only one life. If you screw up your dead for the rest of the battle and cant play again till a new battle starts. The game was the revolutionized way of recruting people for the army seeing as cool commercials and standing behind a table smiling and waving at people wasn't enough for them. The game should be able to be downloaded off the internet.

Jeanne M said...

Shiro, that's really interesting. I remember hearing during the first Gulf War (1991) that the success of our pilots during the air assault, which really "won" that war, so to speak, was due in large part to the pilots' expertise at video games and simulated battle. It seems that the training for pilots involves a lot of simulated, video-game type firing of missles and such. Given that Ender's Game was published in 1977, Orson Scott Card seems almost prophetic in his vision of this kind of thing.

Keep up the good comments!