Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just read an awesome book called Speak

I just finished an awesome book called Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. I think it was a choice for summer reading for freshmen and it certainly is a quick read. But it so captures the outcast kid in high school. The curious thing that I noticed, as a teacher, is that no one, not even Melinda's parents, notice that she's withdrawn and odd. I would think that a teacher or guidance counselor or somebody would have noticed. Anyway, very good read. There was a movie made of the book, ironically on Lifetime channel this past weekend (usually a channel I avoid like the plague). It changes the ending and some stuff, but seemed pretty good. I happened upon Orson Scott Card's take on the book and the film and find it interesting. Here's the link to what he has to say: He also has some other odd things on that site as well, such as his aversion to eating at a place called Froggy Dog. Cool!


Krysta M. said...

Yes, it was one of the choices that the freshman could have chosen to do their English project on. When trying to figure out what would be the best choice for the project, I decided to read two books and choose my favorite. I read Sleeping Freshman Never Lie and Speak. I found it a very good book, and I feel that she really brought out the characters. I had no idea they made a movie out of it though! I would very much like to see it. I enjoy seeing the differences in books and movies.

Amber M said...

I read this book for the first time in 7th grade, and i fell madly in love with it!!!! As a matter of fact, i'm the one that recommended it be an option for the rising freshman to read. Card was right in saying that every teenager (and adult) should read this amazing book. The movie was good, but i greatly prefer the book, probably because i read it before seeing it.

Also, i've eaten at the Froggy Dog. The food's not that great.

Paul said...

Didn't read the book but we rented the movie this weekend from Netflix based on the comments on this blog. Very good story.