Wednesday, December 20, 2006

About the Summer Reading

I know that most people hate summer reading assignments, I'm definitly one of them, but they are very key to your education. If your planning on going to college, they will give you a list of books and just expect you to have read them. I already have the list of what is suggested for theater majors at CNU and I'm working on it now. I know the assignments seem like poo, but they will help you later and it's better to get them over with and try to enjoy it. Even the worst books will have some humor so try to find it, that will make it much easier to read.


Coco said...

Your going into theater, i'm going into Cooking.

Ethel said...

Good way to look at it. I say start early and take baby steps W/ the Summer Reading. Waiting until the last min. will kill anyone.

librarygoddess50 said...

Media girl is correct--small steps in breaking down the assignments are the key to maintaining your sanity! Melissasweetpea has it right--just try to find the humor in the whole situation, or in each book!