Monday, February 5, 2007

My Antonia?????

Mrs. R decided that it made perfect sense for us to take the test on Cold Mountain on Thursday and start a NEW book on Monday. SOOOO......has anyone read or started reading My Antonia?? I read the back of it, and to be perfectly honest, i think this novel sounds ridiculously DULL. I'm hoping it's not, or else it's an easy read...

**fingers crossed**


librarygoddess50 said...

Amber, our book club actually enjoyed My Antonia a few years ago--give it a chance, I think you will enjoy it as well. Some of the descriptions are a little long-winded, but other than that, the storyline is enjoyable.

Jeanne M said...

Sadly, I was one of the people in the Classics Book Club that did not really enjoy My Antonia. But I will say that the stuff about the hardships of Plains life, the plight of imigrants, and self sacrifice and such is pretty cool. I think I got kind of impatient with the speaker--I just could not warm up to him. Some people see the ending as positive, but I felt a sense of "if only . . ." and that kind of bugged me. I also don't really like the way the story is framed as a memoir, but that's just me in this case. Sometimes I like that kind of frame--here it just seems self-righteous. Still, it's worth reading and talking about. Let me know what you all think.

Ethel said...

I enjoyed "My Antonia", I thought it was very readable. Some classics I stuggle with the speach of the time period which makes for a slow read. I think it should accompany your US History class nicely. I do not remember talking much about the state of Nebraska and prairie life in my US History class at CCHS. I would have to draw from "Little House on the Paririe" for much of my info from this life style. And these people make Little House people look rich. I do not think you will read this book and it will become your favorite book of all time. But it is worth the read.