Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thank you, Oprah!

In one of the issues of Oprah Magazine my mom gets, she cut out this list of sites that are great for book-lovers. I've recently gotten addicted to www.shelfari.com, where you get to develop your bookshelf with any books you want (want to read, have read, etc.). Other members can look at your shelf, and there are places where people can ask questions or start discussions about certain books. If the book selected is on your shelf, you'll receive notification when a question/discussion is started about it. I only have a few books right now, but i have every intention of broadening that list very soon!!

It's also not blocked at school! Which is fun. :-D Just don't get in trouble with it, or you'll get it blocked, and I'll get angry.

~Amber M.


librarygoddess50 said...

That is a really cool site! Thanks for sharing it with the group! I'm not sure I'll have time to set up my stuff there, but I'll try! So many books and projects, so little time! Read my post on the two book trading sites--I think I may put some time in there!

Jeanne M said...

I like this. I'll have to look at it and get back to you.